Well, I had to drive in a couple of days this week so I missed out on some miles on the bike...plus I missed the Thursday lunch time ride. I had to do a couple of "Make Up The Miles" sessions. Yesterday after work I took a ride out to the tower before riding home. I heard a rattle and realized my cassette was loose so stopped at The Bike Shop to have them put a thicker spacer on and tighten it up. This morning I headed out early and did a trip over to AMR for one trip around (didn't have time for more than that). Again I noticed that there was a rattling. So, on the way home I stopped by The Bike Shop again and Mel fixed it up. Finally got my last box of bike parts in for The Griffen.
Chain: $12.79
Brakes: $23.99
Skewers: $10.39
Shipping: $17.00
Total: $729.34. This is just about it. Only a couple of small things to pick up now.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
13.14 MILES
After a hard day of taking Goy and Damien around town shopping, I finally got to my Sunday run. I started out some time after 6:00 p.m. The run felt good and I was keeping it around mid 8 minute miles until around mile 10 where I kicked it up to mid 6 minute miles for a while. Finished up some time around 8:00 with 13.14 miles. My own little Sunday half marathon.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
This morning I headed out around 0530 and met up with Ben S., Casey, Dev, and Jeff S. Ben had planned a trip up Kolekole Pass which worked out great for me since I could meet them on Kunia Road. It was a great ride to a location I haven't ridden yet. On the way back, Casey took a flyer. I was lucky enough to get behind a truck pulling a big horse trailer allowing me to catch up and then pass Casey. Casey then caught me on the next hill and he and I continued to hammer it to Kunia. What a great ride today!
Got home just as Damien was getting up. Took a shower, got some breakfast, and then he and I hit the road for a boy's day out and about.
Now time to do some bike cleaning and work on the Griffen. Got a few parts in the mail recently. Here is an update...

Got home just as Damien was getting up. Took a shower, got some breakfast, and then he and I hit the road for a boy's day out and about.
Now time to do some bike cleaning and work on the Griffen. Got a few parts in the mail recently. Here is an update...
Handle bars w/shipping: $115.50. Also came with an extra set of brake levers.
Bottom bracket w/shipping: $46.01. To replace the wrong one I got with the crank set I bought.
Update on build total: $665.17
Almost there. Waiting on a shipment from Nashbar. Then all I need to do is pick up some brake cables and I'm good to go!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Today Ben Abney put together an Aloha Friday ride. We all met at the gym at 1330 and decided we would do a trip down to Ko'Olina and back. Riders on this trip were Ben, Dev, Jeff Adkins, and myself. We started the trip on my usual commute route from Pearl Harbor, through Pearl City and Waipahu. Then we headed out towards Ko'Olina. We hit this part of the trip with Jeff pulling us at some pretty good speeds. I heard a familiar noise and realized Dev had popped a flat. I yelled to the others and we pulled over at the waterpark to fix it. Our next stop was Ko'Olina where we stopped and took in some sites at the beach. Then we headed over to White Plains beach for some more beach site seeing.

You can see that we obeyed all traffic laws and speed limits (check the speed sign and speed radar).

Here is a picture of our "break away". Talk about an action shot!
You can see that we obeyed all traffic laws and speed limits (check the speed sign and speed radar).
Our stop at Ko'Olina.
And our stop at White Plains...
Oops, guess I've been stretching that leg a little too long!
Great idea Ben! Great trip! Photos by Jeff.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Watching the guys climb Hautacam last night must have inspired me this morning. I got up and headed out on the bike early this morning. As I got by the stadium, I noticed that I had plenty of time before I needed to be at work. So, I took a ride to the top of the Camp Smith. Coming down at 40+ was better than a cup of coffe for getting me pumped up for the day.

At lunch, I did the Hickam Hammerfest. Stayed at or near the front for the whole ride. Did some paceline training with Ben A. and Dev. Then the fun began. Ben S. and Ben A. started talking about the plan for the finish. I was given the go ahead from Ben S. to take the sprint. He warned me to watch for Dev. Soon after we rounded the last corner, I saw Dev going for it. In the excitement, I took off after him. He and I were in an all out sprint together. It was great! Then we both died. I quickly realized I had pulled the ultimately rookie move by countering his attack too early. I should have stayed with the other three guys that were leading out until we were closer to the finish. Man, you can learn something everyday with this group. Too much fun today!
Monday, July 14, 2008
This morning I got out of the house a little early and decided to get in a few miles on top of my 13 mile commute. So, after getting to Pearl Harbor I headed over to Hickam for the ride out to the tower and back. I pushed it pretty good and got in a good 25 mile ride before work. My plan is to ramp things up a bit and may do a trip up Camp Smith on the way home.
Griffen update: All parts in or on order. All I need is to pick up some cables and then the build begins. More detailed update coming soon!
In Tour news, my wife's "new man" took yellow today. She picks "her men" when they show her they are tough. Last year it was Vinokourov after he crashed and then took the stage the next day. Then he was busted for doping, hope this isn't an omen. I recorded it on DVR and can't wait to get home and watch the action with her.
Griffen update: All parts in or on order. All I need is to pick up some cables and then the build begins. More detailed update coming soon!
In Tour news, my wife's "new man" took yellow today. She picks "her men" when they show her they are tough. Last year it was Vinokourov after he crashed and then took the stage the next day. Then he was busted for doping, hope this isn't an omen. I recorded it on DVR and can't wait to get home and watch the action with her.

Sunday I did the Hawaii State Criterium. This race was put on by HACC and Momentum Multisport. It was a good day of racing and there was some exciting action. Take a look at the photo finish in the women's race. Shannon Cutting edges out another racer for the win.

My race, the 4/5 category, had the largest number of racers. It all started off with a big bang from a little cannon that was shot off. This was an exciting race. I narrowly averted a crash when someone in our pace line slid during one of the turns. Another rider had to go off road but stayed upright. I end up 4th in my age group. I believe I'm getting better at this but still have some learning to do.

The rest of us did our's a little ways back with visions of the lead group dancing in our heads.
I spent the end of the race working with Lindsey, which was a big help.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
With my XO and the Senior Chief I work with on leave, it has been crazy at work. I have enjoyed the ramped up pace, though. It has been more like being on a boat. This shore duty has been a little too laid back at times, but that has been good for riding, running, swimming, etc. I did manage to keep up with my riding by commuting in every day this week but one. It is about a 13 mile trip one way so I got in a few pretty good rides this week and one run. I didn't make it to the Thursday HACC ride which was a bummer.
Thankfully the Tour de France started this past week. This is the time of year all us cyclist wait for. The Versus channel has been showing The Tour all day, every day which has been great. I can always turn on the t.v. and catch some great cycling. So far it has been a great race and looks like it could be anyone's for the taking. VIVA LE TOUR!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Yesterday a group of us met at Hickam Gym at 0600 for a ride around the island. The ride was planned due to Scott Kimsey's upcoming move from Hawaii. However, changes came up and Scott found out he wasn't leaving and he wouldn't be able to ride either. Regardless, a group of 13 of us rolled out for our "ride around Hawaii". Some planned to do part of the trip and the really crazy of us were set out for the whole thing. It was a great ride and Scott even ended up meeting us later on the road.

We had our first and only flat within the first 10 miles, not bad.
Dev snaps some shots while Jeff fuels up.
There was some great scenerary along the way.
It was a great trip. The only other incident was a crash that took out a couple of riders. The heat was extreme, especially when we got to the dreaded Pineapple Hill climb at about mile 90 with temperatures in the 90's. This part of the trip was a bit rough for me due to the heat and I believe a little poor nutrition planning. John and I ended up finishing the ride up together after my stop for some food and recovery. Thanks to John for sticking with me. When we got back to Hickam we saw Scott who said the other group had gotten there only about five minutes ahead of us. We ended up riding 120 miles in about 7 hours!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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