Friday, July 18, 2008


Today Ben Abney put together an Aloha Friday ride. We all met at the gym at 1330 and decided we would do a trip down to Ko'Olina and back. Riders on this trip were Ben, Dev, Jeff Adkins, and myself. We started the trip on my usual commute route from Pearl Harbor, through Pearl City and Waipahu. Then we headed out towards Ko'Olina. We hit this part of the trip with Jeff pulling us at some pretty good speeds. I heard a familiar noise and realized Dev had popped a flat. I yelled to the others and we pulled over at the waterpark to fix it. Our next stop was Ko'Olina where we stopped and took in some sites at the beach. Then we headed over to White Plains beach for some more beach site seeing.
Here is a picture of our "break away". Talk about an action shot!

You can see that we obeyed all traffic laws and speed limits (check the speed sign and speed radar).

Our stop at Ko'Olina.

And our stop at White Plains...

Honey, I swear I'm only stretching my leg...I'm not looking at anything!
Oops, guess I've been stretching that leg a little too long!

Great idea Ben! Great trip! Photos by Jeff.

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