Wednesday, March 19, 2008

More Parts

Took a break from taking my Algebra this is tough, checked the mail and got two more parts. Got my cassette (11-21T). I'm going with Ultegra 9 speed to keep the price down. The crankset I bought had 53/39 chainrings. I was also given a set of chainrings (56/42), not sure which way I'll go with those.

I also got a Shimano clamp for mounting a braze on type front derailleur. Not sure if I'll use this but I seemed to find more braze on type derailleurs on eBay and got a good deal on the clamp. The bike needs a clamp on front derailleur, so this solves the problem if I get a good deal on a braze on derailleur.

Cassette: $45.26 + $12.00 shipping = $57.26
Clamp: $7.99 + $3.00 shipping = $10.99

Total to date: $109.25

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