Monday, June 30, 2008


Sunday I did the Hawaii State Road Race Championship. This was one of the most fun races I have done this season, even though it was a tough race and it was very hot and humid. The race was about 42 miles with 3200 feet of climbing. The ascent was a tough climb up Pineapple Hill and the descent was fast...times THREE! I lost a water bottle on the first descent and thought I was done for because I didn't bring any extras...thank goodness someone else had brought some extras, what a life saver. I got a cramp in my right quad on the last ascent but toughed it out until the end with some help from Jeff Adkins...thanks Jeff, I owe you one!

At the starting line.

And at the finish line.
HACC Daddy breaks out a pro move!
Thanks to Rolly Bicaldo for sharing the great photos!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you were able to fight through the cramp. It was a tough day, much more humid than I anticipated!